Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thing 4

SO. I'm officially on the blog train. Non-stop to station 23. It really has been easier than I thought it would be. I could see where one would want to start up a number of blogs to specialize by subject. I'm thinking my students would just love to blog with me about books and movies. Hmmmmm....that's an idea.


VWB said...

great idea...go for it! Would love to see a high school version to go along with the ones we already have.

Barry said...

I can tell that it will be fun reading your blog twic--once and then once between the lines. Glad you are playing with us.

Dyslexic Mystery Lover said...

Hey!!! I just finished Thing #4. Your blog looks great. I love your you. What outfit will you choose for tomorrow? Ha!! You need to find vacation clothes for yours.