Friday, July 24, 2009

11.5: Thing 4

I'm back and now that the jet lag is practcally gone, I've hit the beach again. Uploading to youtube. My first experience with video uploading went well. However, I uploaded straight from my camera and found that the audio file uploaded at a different speed. Catastrophe, right? No! It actually worked out better because the video shows my kitten and dog playing or I should say my kitten attacking my 60 lb. white german shepherd. I am laughing through the entire thing so my laughs and commentary are sped up like Minnie Mouse on crack. It's hysterical! I did figure out that I should've dumped it somewhere else first and then uploaded to youtube so at least there was a lesson there. But my mistake came out much better than the intended product :)

I didn't know about SchoolTube - only TeacherTube. Another great place for ideas and an easy place to upload student products. Did you see the list of sponsors????? WOW!

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