Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thing 7 - whoa

I was supposed to choose 2 projects after exploring Google. I thought I knew Google. After all, I had Google Earth WAY before my contemporaries. Boy, was I naive. OMG. OK, it all started when I decided on the notebook module - tres cool - I could organize my thoughts, no? Naturally I got distracted by the other pretty buttons so I was in calendar and there were more pretty buttons especially the DOCUMENTS button where I've started a spreadsheet and then I clicked "more" and there's even more under "even more" (KISS) and then I found the best thing EVER near the bottom of the list. BOOK SEARCH. We're talking full-text, table of contents, classics and LITERARY CRITICISM books are there, too! And you can click on "about this book" and OMG again. There are WEB references, related books, and a MAP with cute red push pins showing all of the PLACES MENTIONED IN THE BOOK. Ok, that's just scary. WHO ARE THESE GOOGLE PEOPLE? I'm so glad they don't have a life and they are busy putting this GENIUS package together for me. I wonder how much the ads cost? How do they keep ADDING products for free? I want to kiss them.


VWB said...

Welcome aboard...You too have caught the Google fever!

...and so far there doesn't seem to be a cure. The MS-Yahoo hook-up might try but I don't know...may just increase the fervor.

LKP said...

Okay, kissing them might be a little extreme, but I know what you mean, Google is like this big present that keeps on opening! I also thought I knew about Google, but there is SO MUCH out there!!! I think you could spend weeks, and weeks and never really see/learn it all!